Yeah, I'm THAT girl that's super embarrassing because I flip out if I so much as HEAR Big Bang on the streets (you can imagine what I spazz I am since BB is everywhere right now). So OF COURSE I take pictures of random things associated with them.
This was right outside NB in Hongdae, one of the clubs YG owns. Needless to say, there was a lot of Big Bang playing inside. It was great to see the crowd dance to "High High," to see the guys get into TOP's "Turn It Up," & to listen to the girl's sing Park Bom's part in "Oh Yeah." ^^
"Even the corner store coffee's name is T.O.P..."


& I finally made it out to the YG building today. Only, I went at night so there was nothing going least, on the outside. I know how crazy the boys work. There were a few YG stans waiting outside, chillin on the curb outside the GS25 LOL.

Even though nothing at all remarkable happened, it was still a bit surreal to be standing outside the building. It's impressive, although a bit small & underwhelming in person. Still, this is the
YG Building. It was crazy to think that Big Bang, se7en, 2ne1, Gummy, Psy, 1tym, jinusean & all the rest are based RIGHT THERE. Nuts.
Will return in the daytime...and hopefully often!!^^
In case you are curious, directions to YG:

-Hapjeong Station, exit 8
-When you come out to street level from exit 8, there will be an SK gas station immediately before you. Walk straight on the road until you meet a 2nd SK gas station, turn right.
-The building will be on your left, down one of the side streets, so walk maybe 60 yards.
Hey just wanted to say thank you cos the directions that u provided here gave me the courage to go look for YG building when I went to Seoul for holiday recently. I went there twice and all I have to say is that it felt so near yet so far. The gate was wide open but I can't go in. Quite sad but nonetheless it was a peaceful place to be in. So sorry for this long comment but anw thanks for the info u provided.