Personally, I don't think I look a thing like Victoria, and that is not meant as an insult, and in fact I'm honored, but she's definitely Chinese/has asian features, which I don't have. But I could see where the student was trying to go--both Victoria and I are foreigners working and living in Korea. It may also have to do with our hair. But ultimately the student was trying, at least I think, to make some sort of connection with our "foreign-ness."
But then that same student threw this in, and it didn't make sense to me at all. She said that after I REALLY REALLY look like Victoria, she said I also sort of look like Rihanna.

I couldn't help but laugh at the connection, because Victoria and Rihanna look nothing alike, and I don't look nearly as fabulous as either of them haha.
can we try to blend their faces somehow?